Become a Member

Locate an Assembly near you. Click here . A Rainbow Girl representative will contact you and send you an application for membership. 

                       Membership is open to all girls between the ages of 11 and 20.


Complete and turn in the application that will ask for basic information.



A small group from the Assembly will visit you at home. This informal get-together will give you and your family a good idea of what to expect in joining Rainbow.


Much like a college sorority, once your application is accepted the Assembly will conduct an actual ballot and vote you into their group.


Lastly, new members and their parents participate in an Initiation Ceremony. This presentation solidifies a member’s obligation to live a good life and to do right. This ceremony is by far one of the most memorable experiences for new members.

© 2024 Maine Rainbow | Gray, Maine | | All Rights Reserved
This web page acknowledges allegiance to the Supreme Assembly, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, Whose seat of authority is in McAlester, Oklahoma, of which Rev. W. Mark Sexson was the founder. The Supreme Worthy Advisor is Mrs. Kay Letterman and Mrs. Debora Redmond is Supreme Drill Leader and Supreme Inspector in Maine.